SPH Engineering offers three standard configurations of the SBES systems, with single and dual-frequency echo sounders. Typical applications:
- Bathymetry of waterways, lagoons, lakes, ponds, harbours
- Dredging planning and monitoring
- Construction planning
- TSF (Tailing Storage Facilities) monitoring
- Sediments monitoring
Discover drone-based echo sounding technology by SPH Engineering »»»
元の価格 430.00 USD - 元の価格 430.00 USD元の価格430.00 USD430.00 USD - 430.00 USD現在の価格 430.00 USD| /
Practical exam and certification - Bathymetry
LearnWorldsThe test verifies hands-on skills and experience in gathering, processing, and understanding data using systems provided by SPH Engineering. How it...
詳細を全部見る元の価格 430.00 USD - 元の価格 430.00 USD元の価格430.00 USD430.00 USD - 430.00 USD現在の価格 430.00 USD| /